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Overseas Lodge #40 Annual Communication Location: Veterans Memorial Cemetery 100 6125 Img 100 6126 Img 100 6127 Img 100 6128 Img 100 6129 Img 100 6130 Img 100 6131 Img 100 6132 Img 100 6133 Img 100 6134 Img 100 6135 Img 100 6136 Img 100 6137 Img 100 6140 Img 100 6141 Img 100 6142 Img 100 6143 Img 100 6144 Img 100 6145 Img 100 6146 Img 100 6147 Img 100 6148 Img 100 6150 Img 100 6151 Img 100 6152 Img 100 6155 Img 100 6156 Img 100 6157 Img 100...

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Masonic Books To Read

Masonic Books To Read Click Here for a List of Masonic Books In PDFs More Books LEGACY OF THE SACRED CHALICEBy: C. Bruce Hunter & Andrew C. FergusonHow Old Is The Masonic Ritual? Most believe the ritual was created in the 1700's, but these two Masonic writers suggest it's actually much older. Their book, based on material first published in noted Masonic journals, explores the novel idea that today's ritual is the legacy of events which occurred nearly a thousand years ago and began with a secret vision that melded ancient myth and Christian symbol. Once set in motion, this vision...

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Masonic Links

Masonic Links More Light PDFs Entered Apprentice Fellow Craft Master Mason The Old Tiler Talks The Role of Masonic Research Dues That Don't Anymore Editorials Whither Are We Traveling Why This Confusion Laudable Pursuit Reading Writing and Apathy Blogs Freemasons for Dummies General Resources Masonic Education Course 15 Points for Masonic Education Reading Masons And Masons Who Do Not Read Freemasons Magazine Masonic Education Basics MASONIC EDUCATION, Craft Lodge Instruction, Freemason Masonic Symbols, Fast Track. Masonic Resources Masonic Restoration...

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Line Officers

Line Officers Lodge Meeting: Overseas Lodge Meets the second Tuesday of every month except July and August. Worshipful Master - W Andrew R. Gold Phone: 401-390-6531 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakcd7d6604f10f74b163f3e8944c223092').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addycd7d6604f10f74b163f3e8944c223092 = 'vinenutsys' + '@'; addycd7d6604f10f74b163f3e8944c223092 =...

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About Overseas Lodge #40

Line Officers Masonic Lodges Do Not Just Happen To Happen… It Takes A Particular Set Of Circumstances Whereby A Group Of Dedicated Masons Promote An Idea To Establish A New Lodge….. But To Establish A Military Lodge, Especially Overseas, Is Unique Indeed. Born On Enemy Soil Overseas Lodge No. 40 Is Distinctive In Many Ways…. We Are The Only Military Lodge Chartered By The Grand Lodge Of Rhode Island, And The Only Masonic Lodge In Which The Line Officers Wear Their Uniform Instead Of Tuxedos. Furthermore, As Per Our By-Laws, Our Entire Membership Is Composed Of Honorably Discharged Veterans...

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A Masonic Brother

A Masonic Brother ASK YOURSELF Among millions of Mason, not one was lawfully invited to apply for membership.  Our code of conduct prevents it.  Thus, no faithful Mason can invite you.  Any Mason can obtain Petition for the Degrees of Masonry for you, but you must ask for it-and for good reason. You must first ask yourself if you're suitably prepared to enter the "gentle craft of Masonry" become a brother in the world's most exclusive fraternal order.  Few men are intellectually or spiritually prepared to understand or appreciate even the more apparent meanings...

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